Collection : 曲藝與其他少數民族音樂 Tibetan ballad singing & minorities' music in Tibet

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曲藝與其他少數民族音樂 Tibetan ballad singing & minorities' music in Tibet
Depositor / contributor
Mao, Ji-zeng (producteur)
Document status
This album is a collection of Tibetan ballads as well as music representative of minorities found in Tibetan area. The ballads are performed by singing and talking, zhich proves imoortant to the folk art. The minorities' music consists of musical arts from the various minorities such as the Monpas and the Lhopas. The music of this album fully shows the rich musical realm of the Tibetan area.
Recording context
Recording period
1993 - 1994
Year published
Access type

Geographic and cultural informations

States / nations
Populations / social groups
Sherpa, Tibétain

Legal notices

Mao, Ji-zeng (producteur)
Wind Records, Taiwan
Publisher collection
西藏音樂紀實 (fr = Anthologie de musique tibétaine) (Wind Records)
Publisher serial number
Booklet author
Mao, Ji-zeng
Publisher reference
Legal rights
Restreint (enregistrement édité)

Archiving data

Old code
Mode of acquisition
Achat (crédit Musée de L'Homme)
Record author
Trân, Quang Hai 97
Related documentation
Notice bilingue chinois/angl de 38p.; doc.
Préface par l'ethnomusicologue taïwanais Hsu Tsang-Houei et le producteur Mao Jizeng.
Présentation de culture musicale des minorités du Tibet.
Présentation de chaque titre enregistré, parole tibétaine transcrite phonétiquement en lettres latines avec la traduction en chinois.
Secondary edition
Sans indication
Enregistrements réalisés en 1993 et 1994.

Titre d'enregistrement:
1 霍嶺大戰 the war between Hor and Ling 9'22
2 贊昌都 zan chang du 1'24
3 甲嘎姆 jia ga mu 5'30
4 索瑪 suo ma 1'42
5 勒索瑪 le suo ma 0'57
6 朵卓玉 duo zhuo yu 1'09
7 迎接凱旋 greeting triumphant return 2'05
8 祈禱 praying 1'00
9 康索 kang suo 1'46
10 豐收 harvest 1‘15
11 覺魯 jue lu 1'36
12 離家 leaving home 2'26
13 古洛 gu luo 0'35
14 您到哪去 where are you going 0'54
15 人類不能沒有太陽 men cannot live without the sun 0'36
16 男女永遠在一起 the lovers are always together 0'46
17 海多部落的優越 the superiority of Haiduo tribe 2'37
18 吉布拉 ji bu la 2'09
19 懷念父母 thinking the favor of parents 1'40
20 姑娘不願去異國他鄉 girls do not want to leave their homeland 1'16
21 念者魯諧 nian zhe lu xie 3'11
22 索南巴扎羅 suo nan ba zha luo 3'53
23 情歌 love song 9'15
Record writer
Monique Desprez, 1997
Last modification
Dec. 8, 2022, 12:48 p.m.

Technical data

Computed duration
Collection size
0 bytes
Number of components (medium / piece)
Number of items
Archive format
CD, Ø 12 cm, Stéréo


Title Digitized Recordist Location Year of recording Code
Gesar U01 Mao, Ji-zeng (producteur) Tibet 1993 - 1994 CNRSMH_E_1997_020_042_001
Zhegar U02 Mao, Ji-zeng (producteur) Tibet 1993 - 1994 CNRSMH_E_1997_020_042_002
Folk art of the Monpas U03-U08 Mao, Ji-zeng (producteur) Tibet 1993 - 1994 CNRSMH_E_1997_020_042_003
Music of the Lhopas U09-U17 Mao, Ji-zeng (producteur) Tibet 1993 - 1994 CNRSMH_E_1997_020_042_004
Music of the Sherpas U18-U22 Mao, Ji-zeng (producteur) Tibet 1993 - 1994 CNRSMH_E_1997_020_042_005
Music of the Tenpas U23 Mao, Ji-zeng (producteur) Tibet 1993 - 1994 CNRSMH_E_1997_020_042_006