Collection : Music in China : experiencing music, expressing culture [Disque encarté]

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Music in China : experiencing music, expressing culture [Disque encarté]
Document status
Recording context
Recording period
1986 - 2006
Year published
Access type
Global music series collections (2004-2011)

Geographic and cultural informations

States / nations
Populations / social groups

Legal notices

Oxford University Press, USA
Booklet author
Lau, Frederick
Bibliographic references
Music in China : experiencing music, expressing culture / Frederick Lau. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2008. - 1 vol. (XXV, 182 p.) : ill. ; 22 cm. + 1 disque compact (digital ; 4 3/4 in.), - (Global Music Series).
Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-170) and index. - ISBN : 978-0-19-530124-3.
Ouvrage consultable à la bibliothèque du CREM, cote 5.3LAU.
Legal rights
Restreint (enregistrement édité)

Archiving data

Mode of acquisition
Achat (crédit CREM)
Record author
- Auteur
Secondary edition
Mode d'acquisition : Achat CREM 2013.
Contents : Music of the people -- Constructing national music -- Regional musics with the national soundscape -- Musical interfaces between east and west -- Music and ideology -- Chinese music beyond China.
Record writer
Adeline Montintin, 2013 (CDD Culture)
Last modification
Jan. 14, 2014, 2:42 p.m.
Items finished
A faire (53 items)
Conservation site
CREM : Bibliothèque

Technical data

Estimated duration
Collection size
0 bytes
Number of components (medium / piece)
Number of items
Archive format
CD, Ø 12 cm, Stéréo

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Présentation de l'ouvrage par l'éditeur
Music in China is one of many case-study volumes that can be used along with Thinking Musically, the core book in the Global Music Series. Thinking Musically incorporates music from many diverse cultures and establishes the framework for exploring the practice of music around the world. It sets the stage for an array of case-study volumes, each of which focuses on a single area of the world. Each case study uses the contemporary musical situation as a point of departure, covering historical information and traditions as they relate to the present. Visit for a list of case studies in the Global Music Series. The website also includes instructional materials to accompany each study.
Music in China offers a unique exploration of the rich, dynamic, and multifaceted Chinese musical landscape. In contrast with previous scholarship--which focused almost exclusively on the role of music in elite culture--this volume takes a balanced look at a variety of traditional and modern genres, including those performed among local and regional folk musicians, in academia, in the media, and on concert stages both inside and outside of China. Using the interrelated themes of identity, modernization, and ideology as a narrative framework, author Frederick Lau discusses the musical features of the selected genres, the processes through which they came into existence, and related socio-political issues. Lau draws on his own extensive fieldwork and performance experience in both mainland China and its diasporic communities to show how the ever-changing Chinese musical tradition takes on particular meanings in China, in overseas Chinese communities, and in diverse international settings.
Enhanced by eyewitness accounts of local performances, interviews with key performers, vivid illustrations, and hands-on listening activities, Music in China provides an accessible and engaging introduction to Chinese music. It is packaged with an 80-minute audio CD containing examples of the music discussed in the book.


Title Digitized Recordist Location Year of recording Code
[Pour géo-localisation] 01 Chine CNRSMH_E_2014_007_001_001