geo-country World / Afrique / Ouganda (61 - 78 / 78)

Title Digitized Recordist Country/Continent Year of recording Code
Bwomera Envu A05 Tracey, Hugh Ouganda CNRSMH_E_1985_006_004_005
TRADITIONAL MUSIC OF UGANDA=*TR A01 Ouganda 1980 DI.1991.014.002A01
Cérémonie de Circoncision U01 Marguerite, Patrick Ouganda 1991 CNRSMH_E_1993_003_016_001
Orchestre Lukeme et chanson U10 Bourgine, Caroline Ouganda CNRSMH_E_1994_018_012_010
Otabona Bukaire Nanvu U01 Cooke, Peter Ouganda 1987 CNRSMH_E_1997_004_002_001
African Sanctus A01 Fanshawe, David Ouganda CNRSMH_E_1998_022_037_001


Ivory Trumpets :01-19


Laboratoire / Jenkins, Jean ; Rovsing Olsen, Poul Ouganda 1968 CNRSMH_E_2003_015_002_001_19
Basoga Lusoga Song "Enyhonyhi Kolojo" 13 Cooke, Peter Ouganda 1990 CNRSMH_E_2006_006_004_013
Akadinda xylophone CD02_02 Ouganda CNRSMH_E_2006_006_005_002_002
Cérémonie de circoncision 001 Marguerite, Patrick Ouganda 1991 CNRSMH_E_2011_020_001_001
Basoga Song "Enyhonyhi Kolojo Khumutiyeere" 15 Ouganda CNRSMH_E_2000_027_001_015
Ganga 01 Ouganda 1952 CNRSMH_E_1999_017_001_001
Musique alur (extrait) 02 Dind, Philippe Ouganda 1972 CNRSMH_E_1999_017_001_002
Xylophone playing in Southern Uganda (pistes 1-5) 01 Kubik, Gerhard Ouganda 1963 - 1967 CNRSMH_E_1994_027_001_001
Composition techniques in Kiganda Xylophone music (pistes 28-32) 28 Kubik, Gerhard Ouganda 1962 - 1967 CNRSMH_E_1994_027_001_028
Omusango gwa balere 14 Kubik, Gerhard Ouganda 1967 CNRSMH_E_2010_006_001_014
Ndyegulira ekadde 15 Kubik, Gerhard Ouganda 1968 CNRSMH_E_2010_006_001_015
[sans titre] 16 Kubik, Gerhard Ouganda 1960 CNRSMH_E_1998_029_001_016