item Item : Bénédictions pour le Sabbath : bande 1 : 03

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Bénédictions pour le Sabbath
Davis, Ruth
Mission R. Davis, Tunisie (Djerba), 1978 (en cours de traitement)
Recording date
July 17, 1978
Access type

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Dans la maison du rabbin: 3 bénédictions enchaînées

[Notes en anglais de Ruth Davis :]

Track 3 (5.50 – 9.15) 17-07-78 mono

Place: room in the home of a devout jeweller in Hara Kebira

Repertory: Blessings over wine, bread, and washing of hands for a) the evening before the Sabbath (kiddush erev shabbat), b) the Sabbath day (kiddush yom shabbat) and c) the ending of the Sabbath (havdalah motzei shabbat).

Performer: devout jeweller of Hara Kebira

Scene: I heard these blessings sung more coherently and melodiously in homes whose Sabbath meals I attended. Since orthodox Judaism forbids recording on the Sabbath I tried to find someone who would perform the blessings on a weekday. After many shy refusals I was grateful to this jeweller for accepting. Since I couldn’t understand his Arabic and he couldn’t understand my French or Hebrew, we relied on the sporadic help of his daughter who was for most of the time busy in the kitchen. After a brief trial recording in which he rattled off the prayers in an undertone I asked him to sing louder and slower. He does not pause between the separate blessings for the three occasions, but runs them all together.

Musical informations

Generic style
Number Composition Vernacular name Interprets
1 Voix chantée : solo d'homme Rabbin

Archiving data

Item number
: bande 1 : 03
Seul le canal droit est enregistré
Last modification
Jan. 4, 2023, 1:59 p.m.

Technical data

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Item size
18.0 MB