Item : La polyphonie vocale des Amei de Falangaw à Taïwan [Exemple pour DEA]
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Dublin Core Metadata
- identifier
- identifier
- CNRSMH_I_2004_008_002_10
- type
- Sound
- title
- creator
- Sun, Chun-Yen
- contributor
- Sun, Chun-Yen
- contributor
- - Auteur
- subject
- Ethnomusicology
- subject
- Research
- descriptionabstract
- publisher
- Montage (accompagnant un diplôme)
- publisher
- dateissued
- 2004-01-01T00:00:00Z
- coveragespatial
- rightslicense
- Copie interdite
- rightsaccessRights
- restricted
- formatextent
- 00:02:02
- formatmedium
- CD, Ø 12 cm
- formatMIME type
- audio/x-wav
- relationisPartOf