An international collection of environmental recordings, sound art and pictures submitted for the Limerick Soundscapes Project. They comprise an exhibition to appear in various Limerick locations in 2014.Contributors include: Alan Dormer, Magnus Bergsson, Karla Berrens, Natalia Beylis, Atilio Doreste, Michael Gallagher, Fergus Kelly, Aonghus McEvoy, Sherry Ostapovitch, Dinah Nuttal, Robin Parmar, Christine Guillebaud, Eshen Chen, Zeynep Ozcan, Marcus Vinicius Marvila das Neves and Tony Langlois.
22’14 : Christine Guillbaud (CNRS, Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative, Paris-Ouest Nanterre University) and Vincent Rioux (Head of digital media department, Beaux-Arts de Paris) – "Mechanical Shrine in India". This example mixes different ethnographic recordings : an interview with an Indian engineer who has designed and marketed a musical automaton in South Indian temples; a recording of this sound device; and finally the sound of ordinary bells played during rituals inside the Chidambaram temple. Recorded in Tamil Nadu, India, 200_.