item Item : Songs of the vhusha and tshikanda initiation schools for girls 18

Songs of the vhusha and tshikanda initiation schools for girls
Blacking, John
Venda Music: Recorded Examples by John Blacking [enregistrements accompagnant publication, accès en ligne]
Recording date
Jan. 1, 1957 - Dec. 31, 1958
Access type

Geographic and cultural informations

Province du Limpopo
Population / social group
Ethnographic context
Songs of the vhusha and tshikanda initiation schools for girls.

a) Muulu, sung with lower lips flapped with the forefinger to warn people that the school is in progress, at Lukau in 1958. See HM, p. 38, Ex. 6. (0:30)

b) Xaxaee! Ri toda mutei (“Haha! We are looking for a novice”), the song by which girls are summoned and taken from their homes to the council hut for instruction, sung at Thengwe in 1958. (0:40)

c) Vhusha, the ritual song of the school, sung at Thengwe in 1958. Note the characteristic rhythm and the khulo style of singing. (2:05)

d) Phetha-tshigele, a song to accompany ndayo dancing, sung at Thengwe in 1958. See HM, p. 40 and illus. following p. 18. See also dzhombo song (12/b). (0:35)

e) Rejoicing on the last night of tshikanda at Lukau in 1957. Sounds of phalaphala horn being blown by women, and also the pembela rhythm on the bass drum. (0:20)

Musical informations

Number Composition Vernacular name Interprets

Archiving data

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Last modification
Oct. 5, 2013, 2:34 p.m.

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