Item : Flute with Drum accompaniment A06
Dublin Core Metadata
- identifier
- identifier
- CNRSMH_E_1973_004_032_006
- type
- Sound
- title
- Flute with Drum accompaniment
- creator
- Lamsweerde, F.V.; Jairazbhoy, N.A.
- contributor
- contributor
- A Voir (V/90)
- subject
- Ethnomusicology
- subject
- Research
- descriptionabstract
- publisher
- Lyrichord, New York
- publisher
- datecreated
- 1963-01-01T00:00:00Z
- coveragespatial
- Orissa
- coveragespatial
- Inde de l'Est
- coveragespatial
- Inde
- coveragespatial
- Asie méridionale
- coveragespatial
- Asie
- coveragespatial
- Ganeswarpur, district de Puri
- rightslicense
- Restreint (enregistrement édité)
- rightsaccessRights
- restricted
- formatextent
- 00:00:00
- formatmedium
- Disque 33 t (3S) ; Ø 30 cm
- formatMIME type
- relationisPartOf