Fonds : Fonds José Maceda (1917-2004)

Fonds José Maceda (1917-2004)
Enregistrements inédits et édités collectés par J. Macéda en Asie du sud-est aux Philippines, en Indonésie et Malaisie de 1955 à 1984
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Sept. 20, 2012, 11:39 a.m.

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Présentation de José Maceda
Extrait de la page wikipédia :
José Maceda (January 31, 1917 - May 5, 2004) was a Filipino composer and ethnomusicologist.
Maceda was born in Manila, the Philippines. He studied piano, composition and musical analysis at École Normale de Musique de Paris. After returning to his native country, he became a professional pianist. Later, he also studied musicology at Columbia University, and anthropology at Northwestern University. Starting in 1952, he conducted fieldwork on ethnic musics in the Philippines. From about 1954, he was involved in the research and composition of musique concrète. In 1958, he worked at a recording studio in Paris which specialized in musique concrète. During this period, he met Pierre Boulez, Karlheinz Stockhausen and Iannis Xenakis. In 1963, Maceda earned a doctorate in ethnomusicology from the UCLA. He began pursuing a compositional career more vigorously. At the same time, he held concerts in Manila until 1969, in which he performed and conducted. This series of concerts introduced Boulez, Xenakis and Edgard Varèse to the Filipinos.

consultée le 20 septembre 2012
portrait photgraphique de J. Macéda
Fonds d'archives J. Macéda à l'Université des Philippines, Centre de recherche en Ethnomusicologie
The University of The Philippines in Quezon City contains an archive of more than 2,500 hours of José Maceda's field recordings in 51 language groups, complete with musical instruments, photographs, text transcriptions, and translations.

Eléments de biographie disponibles sur le site de l'université :
Prof. Maceda has devoted much of his time to ethnomusicological studies of the music of The Philippines and Southeast Asia since 1953. He has done field music research throughout The Philippines and in eastern and western Africa, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam and has written extensively about this research for publications in Canada, Germany, Malaysia, The Philippines, the UK, and the USA.
He wrote the book Gongs and Bamboos: A Panorama of Philippine Music Instruments (1998, University of The Philippines Press) and the composer-pianist Yuji Takahashi translated many of his articles into Japanese in the book Drone and Melody (1989, Shinjuku Shobo Company).

Consulté le 20 septembre 2012
Article de J. Maceda : introduction : A Search in Asia for a New Theory of Music, 2002 (fichier auteur)
Texte transmis par N. Revel en septembre 2017, extrait de : Collected papers from 'A Search in Asia for a New Theory of Music', a symposium organized by The University of the Philippines Center for Ethnomusicology at the 7th International Conference of the Asia Pacific Society for Ethnomusicology (APSE), held at the University of the Philippines and the Cultural Center of the Philippines, February 17-23, 2002. Edited by Jose S. Buenconsejo. Introduction by Jose Maceda.
Ouvrage en commande en ligne (avec consultation d'extraits en ligne dont le sommaire) :
Maceda, José


Title Digitized Description Code
Maceda, Inédits, Asie du sud-est, 1955-1984
Enregistrements inédits collectés par ou en collaboration avec J. Macéda en Asie du sud-est aux Philippines, en Indonésie et Malaisie de 1955 à 1984 CNRSMH_Maceda_001
Maceda, Edités, Asie du sud-est, 1955-1984
Enregistrements édités collectés par ou en collaboration avec J. Macéda en Asie du sud-est aux Philippines, en Indonésie et Malaisie de 1955 à 1984 CNRSMH_Maceda_002