Corpus : Music in the world of Islam (série de disques)

Music in the world of Islam (série de disques)
Originellement parue en 1976 sur le label Tangent Records, la collection Music in the World of Islam fut réédité en 1994, en compact disc, par Topic Records. Chaque CDs, au nombre de trois, regroupent deux LP de la collection d'origine. Le premier volume s'intitule "The human voice / Lutes", le second "String / Flutes & trumpets" et le troisième "Reeds & Bagpipes / Drums & Rythms". Cette anthologie a pour but de présenter les traditions musicales du monde musulman d'Afrique, d'Europe ou d'Asie, qu'elles soient vocales ou instrumentales, à travers l'immense richesse culturelle de l'espace Islamique.
Ce corpus rassemble les exemplaires sur disques 33 tours parus en 1976 ainsi que les copies faites sur bandes magnétiques en 2003 (rassemblement de 2 disques 33 tours sur une bande) et numérisées par l'équipe.
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Collections phonographiques de référence en ethnomusicologie

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Présentation de la collection Music in the World of Islam (rééditée sur 3 CD par Topic Records)
Music in the World of Islam
In 1976 Tangent Records released Music in the World of Islam as a series of six long-playing analogue records. With the advent of the compact disc and its attendant extended play Topic Records were able to present two LPs each on three CDs.
The anthology Music in the World of Islam is an attempt to present highlights of music found within a huge area in Africa, parts of Europe, and Asia which are today, or have been in the past, Islamic. As it is obviously impossible to cover adequately the music of any of these countries, far less all of them, the aim has been to divide the music into groupings so that the listener can hear, compare and learn to appreciate some of the almost limitless variety of musical styles—both vocal and instrumental—which have developed in this vast area. The diversity of cultures in the Islamic world is so great that it is strange to find unifying factors in the music. But Bedouins and nomads, farmers on the banks of the Nile, or in the Hindukush Mountains of Afghanistan or the High Atlas of Morocco or the fertile valleys of Pakistan and India, Turkish fishermen on the Black Sea coast and Malay and Javanese along the East China Sea or pearl divers on the gulf which divides Arabia from Iran, as well as the inhabitants of the great and ancient cities of Damascus and Baghdad and Cairo and Fez and Istanbul, Shiraz and Samarkand, all share certain musical traits and some of these, along with specialised music of each area, can be heard on these compact discs.
Consulté le 20 novembre 2018