Corpus : KIRGHIZISTAN (collecte J.During)

KIRGHIZISTAN (collecte J.During)
Enregistrements audio de musiques kirghizes réalisés et déposés par Jean During
Recording year (from)
Recording year (until)
Total available duration
Fonds Jean During


Title Digitized Description Code
Masters of the komuz (1st part)
An anthology of the great komuz (lute) masters of their time, performing compositions (kuu) of ancient komuz players, orally transmitted or composed by themselves. These masters were : Bolush MADAZiMOV from Osh (d. 2002). -Ruslan JUMABAEV (1973-2018) from Narin. -Namazbek URALIEV (b.1956-) from Isik kul (Kojyar Ayla). Other esteemed masters are available in Masters of the Komuz (2nd part). Most of these audio recordings were simultaneously video recorded. Some kuu-s have no title because so far the experts could not identify them. The komuz is a lute with a pear-shaped soundbox and a long neck; the flat and shallow soundbox is carved from an apricot tree trunk (often with the neck), covered with a conifer wood soundboard. Its neck has no frets and it has 3 gut or nylon strings. It is about 88 cm long with 60 cm long strings. This small lute is the most common instrument, especially for accompanying singing. There are six (or more) basic tunings (tolgoo), in which the middle string is never lower than the others. Le komuz est un luth à la caisse piriforme et au manche long dont la caisse plate et peu profonde est taillée dans un tronc d’abricotier (souvent avec le manche), et couverte d’une table en conifère. Son manche n’a pas de frettes et ses 3 cordes sont en boyau ou en nylon. Il mesure environ 88 cm de long pour une longueur de corde de 60 cm. Ce petit luth est l’instrument le plus courant, notamment pour accompagner le chant. Il y a au moins 6 façon de l'accorder. CNRSMH_I_2020_021
Masters of the komuz (2nd part)
2nd part of the ANTHOLOGY of KIRGHIZ KUU recorded by Jean During, featuring —Nurak ABDURAHMAN (1947-2014) from Bishkek.—Eshmambet MOLDAKUNOV (b. c 1940) from At Bashi (Narin rayon), and his son —Rahat MOLDAKUNOV (b. c. 1965). —Zainduddin IMANALIEV (b.1947) from Kochkor, who is also a good singer. —Samara TOKHTAKUNOVA (b. 1945). Some kuu-s have no title because the experts could not identify them. CNRSMH_I_2020_022
Ancient and rare kirghiz instruments. kil kiak, temir komuz, choor, chopo choor
The KIAK (or kil kïak) is a bowed lute made from a single piece of wood with its soundbox (or belly) in the shape of an upside-down almond. It is carved from a block of apricot wood and the lower, narrow part is covered with a ram’s skin. Its two horsehair strings are tuned to a fourth or fifth. It is much less common than the komuz and is played solo or to accompany singing. Several kiak kuu's names are missing because they could not be identified even by several experts. The CHOOR (sometimes called sïbïzgi) is a reed or turned wood recorder pierced with 5 or 6 holes that give a diatonic scale, sometimes with 3/4 tones. The CHOPO CHOOR, a clay ocarina, was traditionally found in the south of the country, in the regions where there was a sedentary and agricultural society that made terracotta objects. The TEMIR KOMUZ is a jew's harp. The JIGACH OOZ KOMUZ is a wooden jew's harp. Some kuu-s have no title because the experts could not identify them. Le kïak (ou kil kïak) est une viole monoxyle dont la caisse a une forme d’amande renversée. Il est taillé dans un bloc d’abricotier et la partie inférieure, plus étroite, est recouverte d’une peau de bélier. Ses deux cordes de crin de cheval sont accordées en quarte ou quinte. Le choor (parfois appelé sïbïzgi) est une flûte droite en roseau ou en bois tourné, percée de 5 ou 6 trous donnant une gamme diatonique, avec parfois des 3/4 de tons. Le chopo choor est un ocarina en terre cuite,le temir komuz est un guimbarde en métal, le jigach ooz komuz est une guimbarde en bois. CNRSMH_I_2020_023
Kirghiz neotraditional arrangements and traditional songs
Nurlanbek NYSHANOV (born 1966) is the founder and director of the traditional folk ensembles Tengri Too and Ordo Sakhna from Kirghizistan. Nishanov has been dubbed “one man orchestra” referring to his unique ability to play all kyrgyz folk instruments. Other musicians in this collection are singers (male and female). An akin is more a poet, an yrchi is more a singer. Zainuddin IMANALIEV is both a komuz master and a singer. CNRSMH_I_2020_024