Collection : The Garland Handbook of Southeast Asian Music [Disque encarté]

9 items (View list)
The Garland Handbook of Southeast Asian Music [Disque encarté]
Document status
Recording context
Recording period
1972 - 1996
Year published
Access type
The Garland collections (1998-2006)

Geographic and cultural informations

States / nations
Bali, Birmanie, Davao, Java, Lombok, Phnom Penh, Salavan, Thaïlande, Vinh Long
Populations / social groups
Birman, Hindustani, Khmer, Laotien, Vietnamien

Legal notices

Miller, Terry E ; Nguyen, Phong T. ; Sutton, Anderson R et al.
Routledge, USA
Booklet author
Miller, Terry et Williams, Sean
Publisher reference
Bibliographic references
The Garland Handbook of Southeast Asian Music / Terry Miller (Editor), Sean Williams (Editor). - New York : Routledge, 2008. - 1 vol. (496 p.) : ill. photos + 1 disque compact. - (The garland collection).
Bibliogr. Glossary. - ISBN : 9780-415-96075-4.
Ouvrage consultable à la bibliothèque du CREM, cote 5.2MIL.
Legal rights
Restreint (enregistrement édité)

Archiving data

Mode of acquisition
Achat (crédit CREM)
Record author
- Auteur
Secondary edition
Mode d'acquisition : Achat CREM 2013.
The Garland Handbook of Southeast Asian Music is comprised of essays from The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: Volume 4, Southeast Asia (1998). Largely revised and updated, the essays offer detailed, regional studies of the different musical cultures of Southeast Asia and examine the ways in which music helps to define the identity of this particular area.
Part one provides an in-depth introduction to the area of Southeast Asia and explores a series of issues and processes, such as colonialism, mass media, spirituality, and war. The articles in this section are important in gaining historical, political, and social perspective. Part two focuses on mainland Southeast Asia, with essays representing Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Burma, Peninsular Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, and the minority peoples of mainland Southeast Asia. Part three focuses on island Southeast Asia, dividing the area into three sections: Indonesia, the Philippines, and Borneo. In addition to offering a detailed study of the music of each area, it also offers recent perspectives on the gamelan and theater traditions of Indonesia. Questions for Critical Thinking at the end of each major section guide and focus attention on what issues – musical and cultural – arise when one studies the music of Southeast Asia – issues that might not occur in the study of other musics of the world. An accompanying compact disc offers musical examples from Southeast Asia.
Record writer
Adeline Montintin, 2013 (CDD Culture)
Last modification
Jan. 16, 2014, 3:31 p.m.
Items finished
A faire (15 items)
Conservation site
CREM : Bibliothèque (5.2MIL)

Technical data

Estimated duration
Collection size
0 bytes
Number of components (medium / piece)
Number of items
Archive format
CD, Ø 12 cm, Stéréo


Title Digitized Recordist Location Year of recording Code
The sound of frogs 01 Miller, Terry E. Thaïlande 1988 CNRSMH_E_2014_018_001_001
Classical pinn peat dance piece "Thep monorom" 03 Miller, Terry E. Phnom Penh 1988 CNRSMH_E_2014_018_001_003
Accompanied lam salavane repartee song 06 Miller, Terry E. Salavan 1991 CNRSMH_E_2014_018_001_006
Kyo classical song 07 Miller, Terry E. Birmanie 1994 CNRSMH_E_2014_018_001_007
Nhạc Lễ ritual ensemble 08 Miller, Terry E. Vinh Long 1993 CNRSMH_E_2014_018_001_008
East Javanese gamelan piece "Srempeg" 11 Sutton, Anderson R. Java 1986 CNRSMH_E_2014_018_001_011
Accompanied cakepung song "Pemungkah" 12 Harnish, David Bali 1983 CNRSMH_E_2014_018_001_012
Shadow play music "Telaga dundan" 13 Harnish, David Lombok 1989 CNRSMH_E_2014_018_001_013
Gong, drum and xylophone ensemble 14 Santos, Ramon P. Davao 1994 CNRSMH_E_2014_018_001_014