Collection : Venda Music: Recorded Examples by John Blacking [enregistrements accompagnant publication, accès en ligne]

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Venda Music: Recorded Examples by John Blacking [enregistrements accompagnant publication, accès en ligne]
Depositor / contributor
Blacking, John
Document status
Recording context
Recording period
1956 - 1963
Year published
Access type

Geographic and cultural informations

States / nations
Afrique du Sud, Province du Limpopo, Soweto
Populations / social groups

Legal notices

Blacking, John
- Copie de publication
Publisher reference
Bibliographic references
Accès en ligne aux enregistrements collectés et compilés par J. Blacking, publiés en 1974 pour illustrer les deux publications :
Blacking, J. How Musical Is Man? Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1973. Xii, 118 pp., with 23 photographs, 25 musical examples, and 12 figures.
Blacking, J. Venda Children's Songs A study in ethnomusicological analysis - Johannesburg : Witwatersrand University Press, 1967. - 210 p., fig., pl., append., index
Les notes du collecteur renvoient aux exemples et pages des ouvrages : HM (How musical is man) ou VC (Venda Children's songs).
Ouvrages consultables à la bibliothèque Eric de Dampierre du LESC. Pas d'exemplaires à la bibliothèque du CREM.
Legal rights
Restreint (enregistrement édité)

Archiving data

Old code
Mode of acquisition
Achat (crédit CNRS)
Record author
- Auteur
Information sur les supports : Copie sur bande magnétique (diamètre 18 cm) d'une cassette audio.
La fiche collection de la copie (cotée BM.1992.009.001) a été supprimée par A. Julien en 2013.
Record writer
Pitoëff, Pribislav
Last modification
Oct. 5, 2013, 2:14 p.m.
Items finished

Technical data

Estimated duration
Collection size
0 bytes
Number of components (medium / piece)
Number of items
Archive format
Numérisation interne

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Accès en ligne aux enregistrements accompagnant "How musical is man ?"
Venda Music: Recorded Examples by John Blacking
Notes de J. Blacking : "The items on this tape, mostly excerpts from longer recordings, have been selected to complement, not necessarily to duplicate, the musical examples in How Musical Is Man?....Thus alternative or "deviant" versions of songs that are in the book have been included, as well as music that is not in the book. In the following notes, the abbreviation HM stands for How Musical Is Man? ; VC stands for Venda Children's Songs by John Blacking (Johannesburg: Witwaterstrand University Press, 1967)."
Notes de l'éditeur "Blacking provided the University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives with an audio tape of samples of his own recordings of Venda music to make available for distribution. This music, along with Blacking's accompanying notes, is now available here as streamed audio. "
Consulté le 3 octobre 2013
Blacking, John
How musical is man ?
This important study in ethnomusicology is an attempt by the author - a musician who has become a social anthropologist - to compare his experiences of music-making in different cultures. He is here presenting new information resulting from his research into African music, especially among the Venda. Venda music, he discovered is in its way no less complex in structure than European music. Literacy and the invention of nation may generate extended musical structures, but they express differences of degree, and not the difference in kind that is implied by the distinction between ‘art’ and ‘folk’ music. Many, if not all, of music’s essential processes may be found in the constitution of the human body and in patterns of interaction of human bodies in society. Thus all music is structurally, as well as functionally, ‘folk’ music in the sense that music cannot be transmitted of have meaning without associations between people.

If John Blacking’s guess about the biological and social origins of music is correct, or even only partly correct, it would generate new ideas about the nature of musicality, the role of music in education and its general role in societies which (like the Venda in the context of their traditional economy) will have more leisure time as automation increases.
University of Washington Press
Venda Children's Songs A Study in Ethnomusicological Analysis
Présentation de l'ouvrage :
"John Blacking is widely recognized for his theoretical works How Musical Is Man? and The Anthropology of the Body. This series of essays and articles on the music of the Venda people of the northern Transvaal in South Africa constitutes his major scholarly legacy.
Venda Children's Songs presents a detailed analysis of both the music and the cultural significance of children's songs among the Venda. Among its many original contributions is the identifying of the role of melody in generating rhythm, something that distinguishes this form of music from that of Venda adults as well as from other genres of African music in general."
Sommaire du livre consultable sur le site de l'éditeur.
Consulté le 3 octobre 2013
Blacking, John


Title Digitized Recordist Location Year of recording Code
Tshikona tsha Shakadza 01 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1956 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_001
Nyimbo dza vhana (children’s songs) 02 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1956 - 1960 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_002
Mutshaini 03 Blacking, John Soweto 1956 - 1960 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_003
Vho-mme vho ya ngafhi? 04 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1957 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_004
Mangovho 05 Blacking, John Afrique du Sud 1956 - 1960 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_005
Ndo todou fa 06 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1956 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_006
Transformations of tshikona (Ex. 1), the Venda national dance 07 Blacking, John Afrique du Sud 1956 - 1963 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_007
Instrumental music: wind instruments 08 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1956 - 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_008
Instrumental music: stringed instruments 09 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1956 - 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_009
Instrumental music: mbira and xylophone 10 Blacking, John Afrique du Sud 1956 - 1963 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_010
Story-songs for children (ngano) 11 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_011
Children’s play-songs (dzhombo) 12 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_012
The girls’ play-dance, tshigombela 13 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_013
Music of the girls’ initiation school, sungwi or musevhetho 14 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1957 - 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_014
A modern school song 15 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_015
A hymn of the Zionist Separatist Churches 16 Blacking, John Afrique du Sud 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_016
Music of the possession cult 17 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_017
Songs of the vhusha and tshikanda initiation schools for girls 18 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1957 - 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_018
The great song of the domba premarital initiation 19 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_019
Learning how to sing pounding songs (mafhuwe) at domba 20 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_020
Two beer songs (malende) 21 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_021
Tshikona tsha Shakadza 22 Blacking, John Province du Limpopo 1958 CNRSMH_E_1976_018_001_022