Collection : The Garland handbook of Latin American music [Disque encarté]

17 items (View list)
The Garland handbook of Latin American music [Disque encarté]
Depositor / contributor
Olsen, Dale A. and Sheehy, Daniel E. (éd.)
Document status
Recording period
1969 - 1997
Year published
Access type
The Garland collections (1998-2006)

Geographic and cultural informations

States / nations
Belize, Brésil, Chili, Département de Potosí, Haïti, Martinique, Mexique, Nicaragua, Pérou, République de l'Equateur, République Dominicaine, Venezuela
Populations / social groups
Boliviens, Brésilien, Chiliens, Equatorien, Maquiritare (Yecuana), Vénézuélien, Warrau, Yanomami

Legal notices

Garland publishing Inc, USA
Booklet author
Olsen, Dale A. ; Sheehy, Daniel E.
Publisher reference
Bibliographic references
The Garland handbook of Latin American music / edited by Dale A. Olsen and Daniel E. Sheehy. - New York : Garland Pub., 2000. – 1 vol. (XVIII, 431 p.) : ill. ; 28 cm. + 1 disque compact.
Bibliogr. p. 389-396. discogr. filmogr. index. - ISBN : 0-8153-3833-3.
Ouvrage consultable à la bibliothèque du CREM, cote 2.0 OLS

Legal rights
Restreint (enregistrement édité)

Archiving data

Old code
Mode of acquisition
Achat (crédit CREM)
Record author
- Auteur
Secondary edition
Cf. éd. complète de cet ouvrage (Bibliothèque du CREM (0.1 GAR 2)) :
South America, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean / ed. Dale A. Olsen and Daniel E. Sheehy. - New York ; London : Garland, 1998. – 1 vol. (XIX-1082 p.) : ill., couv. ill. en coul. ; 28 cm + disque compact. - (The Garland encyclopedia of world music ; 2).
Glossaire. Bibliogr. Index. - ISBN 0-8240-4947-0 (rel.).

Exemplaire consultable à la bibliothèque du CREM, cote 2.0 OLS.

Fiche modifiée et augmentée le 22/02/2013 par Adeline Montintin (stagiaire EBD - 2013).
Record writer
Pitoëff, Pribislav
Last modification
Oct. 11, 2013, 10:26 a.m.
Items finished
A faire (39 pistes)
Conservation site
CREM : bibliothèque (2.0 OLS)

Technical data

Estimated duration
Collection size
0 bytes
Number of components (medium / piece)
Number of items
Archive format
CD, Ø 12 cm


Title Digitized Recordist Location Year of recording Code
Yanomamö Male Shaman's Curing Song 01 Venezuela CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_001
Yekuana Male Shaman's Curing Song 02 Venezuela CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_002
Warao Male Wisiratu Shaman's Curing Song 03 Venezuela CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_003
Warao Male Hoarotu Shaman's Curing Song 04 Venezuela CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_004
Music for siku panpipes 05 Département de Potosí CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_005
Folia of the Magi 11 Brésil CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_011
Moçambique for dancers and percussion 12 Brésil CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_012
Song of the Poet, with guitar 17 Chili CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_017
Song by blind panpipe player 19 République de l'Equateur CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_019
Huayno, dance-song 21 Pérou CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_021
The Light-Haired Woman, with accompaniment 26 Venezuela CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_026
Cuaulleros, for harp, violins and jarana 28 Mexique CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_028
Ancestor Ceremony Amalihani 31 Belize CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_031
El Corredizo, for dueling dancers 32 Nicaragua CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_032
The Choruses of Saint Michael, with drums 34 République Dominicaine CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_034
Song for Legba, Dance for Ogoun 36 Haïti CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_036
Afro-Martinican Street Music 38 Martinique CNRSMH_E_2006_006_003_038